
Hydrolyzed Whey Protein (Food Ingredient)

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Hydrolyzed Whey Protein (Food Ingredient)

Hydrolyzed whey protein is made from concentrated whey protein and is enzymatically broken down into small molecular proteins using specialized enzymatic technology. This process alters the surface antigenic determinants of whey protein, reducing its allergenicity.

Product shooting:

Low hydrolysis degree<10%



Product Features: 

Various specifications available 

Pleasant flavor and texture 



Suitable for hypoallergenic infant formula milk powder, sports nutrition products, protein powders, etc.


[1] 逯莹莹,赵丽双,刘丽波,李春.乳清卵白适度水解与其致敏性及益生菌生长的相关性[J].乳业科学与技术,2018,41(06):1-5.DOI:10.15922/j.cnki.jdst.2018.06.001.

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